首页 > 都市小说 > 傲慢与偏见 > 第121章



“And do you like her?”

“Very much.”

“I have heard,indeed,that she is uncommonly improved within this year or two.When I last saw her,she was not very promising. I am very glad you liked her.I hope she will turn out well.”

“I dare say she will;she has got over the most trying age.”

“Did you go by the village of Kympton?”

“I do not recollect that we did.”

“I mention it,because it is the living which I ought to have had. A most delightful place!—Excellent Parsonage House! It would have suited me in every respect.”

“How should you have liked making sermons?”

“Exceedingly well. I should have considered it as part of my duty, and the exertion would soon have been nothing. One ought not to repine;—but,to be sure,it would have been such a thing for me!The quiet,the retirement of such a life would have answered all my ideas of happiness!But it was not to be.Did you ever hear Darcy mention the circumstance, when you were in Kent?”

“I have heard from authority, which I thought as good, that it was left you conditionally only,and at the will of the present patron.”

“You have.Yes,there was something in that;I told you so from the first,you may remember.”

“I did hear, too, that there was a time, when sermon-making was not so palatable to you as it seems to be at present;that you actually declared your resolution of never taking orders,and that the business had been compromised accordingly.”

“You did! and it was not wholly without foundation.You may remember what I told you on that point,when first we talked of it.”

They were now almost at the door of the house, for she had walked fast to get rid of him;and unwilling,for her sister's sake, to provoke him, she only said in reply, with a good-humoured smile:

“Come,Mr.Wickham,we are brother and sister,you know.Do not let us quarrel about the past. In future, I hope we shall be always of one mind.”

She held out her hand;he kissed it with affectionate gallantry, though he hardly knew how to look,and they entered the house.

新书推荐: 傲世神医 退婚后,我的高冷未婚妻后悔了 八零肥妻觉醒了 锦鲤福宝:逃荒路上被团宠了 阴阳鬼使,坐拥两界红颜 美食:学校卖饭,师生抢疯了 龙飞罗刹海市传奇 写轮眼与冰霜龙皇,双废天赋? 修仙归来:离婚后,你哭什么 战龙出狱,我的倾城未婚妻